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Karl Philips is a young Belgian artist for whom a mild kind of activism is inextricably linked to his work. With his performing art, he explores the distinctions between public and non-public, common- and underground, us and them. In 2010, he created a mobile »apartment« attached to a billboard. Concierge is a transparent foldable pop-up shelter for homeless people on the back of company’s product placement.

Concierge, Homeless shelter / temporary installation, mixed media (5 x 6.50 x 3.70 m), 2010

Concierge, Homeless shelter, temporary installation, mixed media (5 x 6.50 x 3.70 m), 2010



Homeless Homes Project

A few years ago, Californian artist Greg Kloehn built a tiny home out of the same materials he saw the homeless people in his neighborhood scavenging. This has resulted in a project called Homeless Homes Project, which features mobile shelters built out of discarded materials. By sourcing their single components from illegal street dumping and excess household items the project strive to diminish money’s influence over the building process. Kloehn constructs, with the help of many others in the community, the compact abodes in his studio for under $100 each. His homes are weatherproof and designed to withstand heavy rain, he paints them in friendly colors, and they all have wheels to take them wherever they need to go. According to their website, »The Homeless Homes Project is an asymmetrical approach to modern living where collective ideas, good will, and basic construction skills unite to repurpose the abundance of everyday garbage into viable living spaces.«

Homeless Homes Project by Gregory Kloehn

Homeless Homes Project by Gregory Kloehn

Homeless Homes Project by Gregory Kloehn

Homeless Homes Project by Gregory Kloehn

Homeless Homes Project by Gregory Kloehn

All images © Brian J Reynolds (view gallery).