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The Year High Fidelity Broke

The thrill of it all

[…] It took me longer than it should have done to work out that the internet is one giant independent record shop – thousands and thousands of cute little independent record shops, anyway – and they don’t actually charge you for the music they stock. The MP3 blogs that stretch for miles and miles, as far as the eye can see, down that stretch of the net that isn’t reserved for pornography, are staffed by enthusiastic and likable young men and women who absolutely don’t want to rip the artists off: they are always careful to post links to iTunes and Amazon, and the songs they put on their sites are for sampling purposes only.

Meint zumindest Nick Hornby, Schriftsteller (u.a. High Fidelity) und Gelegenheitsautor der Sonntagszeitung »The Observer«, um mit dem Satz zu enden: »All I know is that if you love music, and you have a curious mind, there has never been a better time to be alive«. Harte Ansage. Hier noch unsere Linkliste für weiterführende Studien.
