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Rebel Music Volume 4 curated by Machtdose

Rebel Music Volume 4 @ bitrebels.com We were invited by Fernando Fonseca (who is among other things co-head of the PublicSpaces Lab) to curate one episode of the excellent „Rebel Music“ Series published in tradition of Music Monday on Bit Rebels. Its goal is to promote cc-licensed music which is worth a listening. If you don’t know Bit Rebels, it’s a fundamental site to get informed about the latest trends in the online world and I definitely recommend to put it to your feedreader if you haven’t already.

I’ve decided to select tracks mainly released in 2009 from different styles and genres to give an overview how rich and diversified the netaudio / netlabels scene is by now. And also most of it wasn’t ever played in our podcasts, so it should be still interesting for all our fellow listeners :) .

So please go to Bit Rebels by clicking the cover on the left or this link: Rebel Music Volume 4 – there you can listen to the single tracks and also download the whole thing (for free of course). Don’t forget to leave a comment there!
