Somos Luz
I love these guys… Remember this work? The spanish urban art group Boa Mistura participated recently in an urban art revitalization project in Panama City. The city became a great artistic showcase, dressed up with sculptures, murals, paintings, films and photographs as part of the »Primera Bienal del Sur en Panamá 2013«. They describe their work and their reasoning as follows: »Somos Luz („We are light“) is the message we painted, with the neighbors help, on 50 houses at the building Begonia I in the community of El Chorrillo (Panama City). The concept is based on the color grid generated when every neighbor paints his own home. The intervention covers corridors and stairways, converted now into abstract color compositions that come to life with daily scenes like hanging clothes or people looking out the balcony.« All Images courtesy of Boa Mistura.