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Killing Error

These fantastic illustrations by Ben6835 are characterised by sadism and bloody violence. Be sure to visit his Flickr account for all the lightly eccentric works!

»Killing Error«

»Alice’s Lucky Rabbit Foot«

»Frog Food«

»Imitated Caterpillar«

Three Big Pigs

Russian animator Egor Zhgun mashed up audio from Disney’s »Three Little Pigs« and »Angry Birds« graphics to assemble »Three Big Pigs«, an awesome cartoonish explanation of the situation in the Middle East.

Salesman Pete

Pete is a nice and clumsy salesman. But he’s also a deadly super secret agent with a microprocessor implanted into his brain by some mad scientists from the governement! He has to secretly stop a bunch of badguys who stole a magic stone that can change anything into seafood!

(for more information about this amazing cartoon, visit Salesman Buck)