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Green Light Go

As every year, the new Machtdose compilation is out: Green Light Go (last.fm). It is always very simple to get it. The journey starts with a few steps forward: go to the online music store of your choice, order the following tracks, sort them properly in your player and listen to them by the end of this century. This year’s compilation is characterized by the high frequency of hits. Some of them have already arrived in the public’s awareness, some of them are far away from it. Go with the flow!

1. The Chap – Painkiller (Lo Recordings)
2. Balthazar – Throwing A Ball (PIAS/Rough Trade)
3. Prinzhorn Dance School – Usurper (DFA/Cooperative/Universal)
4. Peaking Lights – Beautiful Son (Domino Records)
5. Blixa Bargeld & Teho Teardo – A Quiet Life (Universal Music)
6. John Maus – Bennington (Domino/GoodToGo)
7. Dntel – Still (Pampa)
8. Kindness – House (Female Energy)
9. Twin Shadow – Run My Heart (4AD/Beggars/Indigo)
10. Wild Nothing – Paradise (Bella Union/Cooperative Music)
11. Jonquil – Point Of Go Part 2 (Dovecote Records)
12. François & The Atlas Mountain – City Kiss (Domino Records)
13. Electric Guest – This Head I Hold (Downtown Records)
14. alt-J – Breezeblocks (Infectious/PIAS/Rough Trade)


Was einst von The KLF auf Verdacht niedergeschrieben wurde (»Das Handbuch: Der schnelle Weg zum Nr. 1 Hit«), wurde nun von der Wissenschaft belegt: Hits sind planbar! Hit-Garantie: Programm sagt Songerfolg voraus. [Link entfernt wg LSR – Edit roland] Toll also die Vorstellung, die Charts seien vom ersten bis zum letzten Platz das Ergebnis eines Algorithmus.

[Zitat entfernt wg. LSR – Edit roland]