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Podcast November 2009

For the cover I used a photo by shwe [CC BY-NC-SA]

What do we have this month? First of all:

Our little podcast show is now 4 years old!

Then: a lot of „Lights“ in title or artist name, surprisingly high amount of new netlabels I’ve never had before in the show – two of them even with two tracks at once and the rest as you know it: a mixbag full of everything from ambient, folky stuff to dancefloor killers. If moderation sounds a bit tired: well, that was because I was.

  1. The amber room & nica – Lights II [kosmo 026]
  2. Emily In Love – Sow the Seeds [Corpid 029] Extra: Video
  3. Julien Mier – Windmills & Lantarnlights [INQB8R 012 and Bump Foot 114 and inqb8r 012]
  4. Mapmap – 090426 [PublicSpacesLab 010]
  5. Torsion – Sundrops on the Ocean (Original Piano version) [PublicSpacesLab 003]
  6. The Lights Galaxia – While She Sleeps (Morning Edit) [Luxus Arctica 001]
  7. Nienvox & 813 – Reflections [Bump Foot 115]
  8. Lavajaz – Missing [spontanMusik V 012]
  9. Nik Jade – in your system [IVDT mp3 073]
  10. Jahzique – Transience [Tropic 55]
  11. Sea Inside – Snow Dance [Elpamusic 26]
  12. Beatamines – Inspirationsdoping [Prozent Music 013]
  13. Radarfilm – On my way [Fantomton 002]
  14. TkY – Under Sky [Diggarama 034]
  15. W10 – Schmooze [kosmo 021]
  16. Michell Phunk – Dream about you [Brennnessel 004]
  17. AXMusique – Faith [Brennnessel 006]
  18. Midibyte – People Don’t Dance (No More) [Signorafranca 049]
  19. Professor Kliq – All Control [rec72 023 and audiovisual theorem 017]
  20. glomag – Red Pixel Dust [8bitpeoples 095]

Creative Commons License

[If you like that episode you can also subscribe to our Podcast-Feed for getting the next ones automatically]

6 Gedanken zu „Podcast November 2009“

  1. Hallo
    This is Franz from Makac. How are you? Fine I hope!!!
    I’m listening to the November podcast… very good musics, like often! Thanx a lot!

    I contact you ‚cos I’m releasing a new LP and I’m looking for a (good) netlabel in Germany, one which could fit to the spirit of what I’m doing, but they are so many and I get lost!!! I got in touch with Crazy Language Recordings and had a good feed-back, but if you know some more…
    By the way: I give you a link to download my last demo: „Scor;es“: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6FWQIAG3
    Thanx for keeping ears and minds open!!!

  2. Happy Birthday! Another great edition… I am always surprised how you find all those superb songs and tracks.

    Keep it rollin‘!

  3. hallo roland,

    herzlichen glückwunsch zu 4 jahren machtdose-podcast und vielen, vielen dank für all die von dir präsentierten netlabel-perlen, die ohne deine show vielleicht nie den weg auf die festplatte meines computers gefunden hätten…:-)

    rey cometa

  4. sebonius the first

    herzlichen glückwunsch und danke. ich freu mich auf die nächsten 4, 40, 400 jahre machtdose …

  5. natalia Kinderspiel

    Ich gratuliere auch ganz herzlich zum 4. Geburtstag. Macht weiter so! Freue mich auf weitere spannende und unterhaltsame 4 Jahre :):)

  6. Thanks for the huge work you do on reviewing and showing up the free music! We’re glad one of our release is mentioned here as well. You should mention, that Julien Mier’s EP is probably one of the most notable works in Creative Commons world this year… it has been released not only through INQB8R and BumpFoot, but also the Netherlands label called „Lomechanik“. It’s really the brilliant piece of work, and as always, we recommend to listen to our version, because other labels released it „as is“, we have improved the sound. Enjoy :-)

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