These images look like a Photoshop battle, but they are indeed much more. Clement Valla discovered images in which Google Earth projects abnormal landscapes beyond our reality. Since this discovery, Villa has been scouring Google Earth and collecting a number of these surreal landscapes: »At first, I thought they were glitches, or errors in the algorithm, but looking closer I realized the situation was actually more interesting – these images are not glitches. They are the absolute logical result of the system. They are an edge condition—an anomaly within the system, a nonstandard, an outlier, even, but not an error“ says Villa. He has compiled them on a site called Postcards from Google Earth. Read more about these images in The Universal Texture.
Columbia, U.S.A.
Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Pittsburg, U.S.A.
(via Juxtapoz)