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urban architecture

Collapsible Shelter

Iconic product that aids survival and provides shelter and warmth. This simple and inexpensive construction is part of the »Collapsible Shelter« series constructed by Brooklyn-based artist Chat Travieso. His one-person structures are foldable and allow for easy set-up anywhere in the urban jungle.

Collapsible Shelter, No. 2, wood, masonite, plastic, duct tape 96" x 72" x 72"
Collapsible Shelter, No. 2, wood, masonite, plastic, duct tape
96″ x 72″ x 72″

Collapsible Shelter, No. 2

(via) All images © Chat Travieso.

Zwischen Programm und Offenheit

Zustimmung: »Keine Stadt wird gut, wenn die Aufgabe, die sie zu erfüllen hat, nicht klar und klug formuliert ist, mit anderen Worten: wenn ihr Programm nicht stimmt. Ein Programm, das nur oder überwiegend Wohnungen vorsieht, erzeugt Schlafghettos, die tagsüber fast immer trostlos daliegen. Ein Programm, das nur oder überwiegend Büros vorschreibt, erzeugt Arbeitsstädte, die nach Feierabend aussterben.«

In den vergangenen Jahren ist viel in Frankfurt gebaut worden, schön und auf anständigem Niveau, mit HQ aus der Baustoffsammlung, kreativer Architektur, teuer natürlich und für Wohlhabende gemacht, und immer habe ich mich gefragt: Wo bleibt hier eigentlich das Leben, die Gemeinschaft, die Gemütlichkeit? In diesen beeindruckend trostlosen Schluchten, wie sie exemplarisch auf der Sonnemannstraße oder im Europaviertel entstanden sind.

Prof. Dr. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani hat in seinem Artikel »Kritische Gedanken zur Stadtplanung – Zwischen Programm und Offenheit« für die Neue Zürcher Zeitung ein paar sehr wichtige Gedanken zusammengetragen. Für den Städtebau im Allgemeinen. Auf Frankfurt übertragen heißt das: Das Programm stimmt nicht.

Washington DC

An Atlanta native, Alex Brewer (better known as HENSE) has been working as a visual artist for almost two decades. His free-form paintings and public mural installations are exploding. One of his latest murals, a church in Washington DC, is described as follows: »Hense has recently been painting beautiful abstract non representational paintings for some time, large scale colorful compositions involving texture and intense gestural elements. With a graffiti background and a new contemporary aesthetic Hense is able to effectively transition in scale without losing any of his works potency. Hense completely transforms the church with latex paint creating a monumental installation. Again we see an example of art vs. architecture, where today’s artists are transforming neighborhoods and skylines with murals and paint.« Discover more of it in his News section.

Friendship Baptist Church

Washington DC

Washington DC

Washington DC

Washington DC

Washington DC

Photo Credit Miguel »M.i.G« Martinez

LICHTER Streetview

Steetview_hoch In 2013, a new festival section will rise up as part of the LICHTER – Filmfest Frankfurt International: Lichter Streetview! LICHTER uses a variety of media to recapture the seemingly lost urban space with the help of cinema and projection. As one of the first film festivals in the German-speaking region, new forms of cinema and methods of projection are discovered, in order to move urban locations back into focus and render them tangible again.

An adventure playground for all

The LICHTER Film Festival would like to contrast the, for consumption adapted, city center with the LICHTER Streetview and to dislocate the perception of the city. Everyone is invited to participate and through this reclaim the space of their city. How can the moving image in the urban context provide meaning? The competition is open to film makers, architects, cinema makers, artists, street and urban art activists who realise their ideas in Frankfurt in the context of the LICHTER Film Festival, thereby creating an event that is encouraging a sense of community. Whether experimental formats or classical narration – the film develops itself.

The new section will be accompanied by a blog called LICHTER Streetview. Please recommend us – to your friends and acquaintances, to other artists and »interventionists«! The blog has just started and we have publishing just a few examples, but I promise: this is changing and is likely to change more rapidly than you expect. If you want to participate with your work or vision at LICHTER Streetview, please contact us.

LICHTER Streetview will be first presented as a part of LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt and takes place at Roßmarkt from 3/22 to 3/23/2013.

The Moses Bridge

Who says, that a bridge allways has to built across the river? This incredible sunken bridge located in the Netherlands is giving visitors a fascinating walk through a beautiful 17th Century Dutch fort. Yes, the waters have parted! The Dutch architecture office RO & AD Architects designed a bridge for the West Brabant Water Line in Halsteren, Netherlands.

Moses Bridge


The Junk King

Vince Hannemann a.k.a. the Junk King has spent much of his life constructing the Cathedral of Junk in Austin, TX. Since 1989 he has been collecting thousands of discarded objects and turning them into a giant outdoor installation. In 2010, the City of Austin requested a building permit and Vince was forced to tear down nearly half of his creation, 60 tons of materials before finally obtaining the approval from an engineer. Despite this traumatic event and with the help of many supporters, Vince was still able to keep the Cathedral alive and continue its legacy. The Junk King is directed by Evan Burns.