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Illegal Spying Below

»We thought it would be fun to fly an airship around the Utah data center, which in many ways epitomizes the NSA’s collect-it-all strategy,« an activist of the Electronic Frontier Foundation describes the idea of how a protest might look like. A blimp displaying an enormous sign reading: »NSA. Illegally spying below.«

»Activist groups including the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Greenpeace launched the 135-foot thermal airship early Friday morning to protest the agency’s mass surveillance programs and to announce the launch of Stand Against Spying, a website that rates members of Congress on their support or opposition to NSA reform. The full message on the blimp reads ‚NSA: Illegal Spying Below‘ along with an arrow pointing downward and the Stand Against Spying URL.«

Read the whole article: Over the NSA’s Utah Data Center by Andy Greenberg.

Image © Greenpeace via EFF