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Old Joy

OLD JOY is the story of two old friends, Kurt (Will Oldham) and Mark (Daniel London), who reunite for a weekend camping trip in the Cascade mountain range east of Portland, Oregon. For Mark, the weekend outing offers a respite from the pressure of his imminent fatherhood; for Kurt, it is part of a long series of carefree adventures. As the hours progress and the landscape evolves, the twin seekers move through a range of subtle emotions, enacting a pilgrimage of mutual confusion, sudden insight, and spiritual battle. When they arrive at their final destination, a hot spring in an old growth forest, they must either confront the divergent paths they have taken, or somehow transcend their growing tensions.

Soundtrack: Yo La Tengo. Den Trailer zum Film kann man sich hier anschauen. US-Kinostart: 25.08.2006. Bin gespannt, ob der Film auch in Deutschland zu sehen sein wird.

Ein Gedanke zu „Old Joy“

  1. ich HOFFE, dass der film auch hier veroeffentlicht ist, der trailer und die beschreibung sind naemlich sehr vielversprechend!!

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