The Weight of Life
Urban Interventions by Tony Spyra

All images © Tony Spyra.
Urban Interventions by Tony Spyra
All images © Tony Spyra.
Using his finger to scribe into the layer of dirt built-up from exhaust emissions, Lancaster-born artist Ben Long creates elaborate drawings on the rear shutters of white haulage trucks. In this on-going series, collectively entitled The Great Travelling Art Exhibition, Long expands upon the daubing and crude slogans that commonly adorn commercial freight vehicles. Dirt ist beautiful! Sometimes…
Reality is a just a concept. Berlin-based artist Alicja Kwade transforms and duplicates unnoticed everyday objects like a hand pallet truck into the language of illusion, an imaginary, parallel dimension. The possibility not to function (or function differently?) is a subconscious capacity. Hubwagen by Alicja Kwade.
Alicja Kwade – Die Editionen 2008 – 2014
Edition Block GmbH Office
Duration: May 2nd – July 26th, 2014
Do you remember? Last year Spanish street artist SpY wrapped a german police car as part of the CityLeaks Urban Art Festival in Cologne. I really don’t know why I never mentioned this guy on this blog. Since the 1980s, his interventions and graffitis may be encountered in cities all over the world and his ideas are as strong as ever. Funny, fleeting and confusing at the same time.
Some older works…
All images © SpY.
The famous Prada Marfa sculpture in Texas has been hit by a vandal calling himself the TOMS Marfa. The interventionists spraypainted it blue, and covered the sculpture with TOMS stickers along with a manifesto explaining the reasons for the attack.
Once again, Brad Downey transformed »un-used« public space in a sliding and swinging playground for urban explorers. Horsens, an old, Danish city of about 55.000 inhabitants, is once a year the center of a unique festival focused on urban art. A selected group of contemporary artists took over the port and city center with public art works. See more at Fecal Face.
All images © Brad Downey.
Johannesburg based artist r1 reduces his work to the most simple material transforming them and placing them back where they came from, to become a part of the city’s journey. His »short-time-based installations« likely cause confusion among viewers. »Like the street, the work finds its meaning once an interaction with the passer-by takes place«, he says on his homepage.