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photography series

Empty Chairs

Abandoned buildings, private apartments and junk rooms – Each setting photographer Faisal Al Fouzan from Kuwait has photographed was found like you can see below and left untouched, preserving the authenticity of the chaotic ensemble. »The Empty Chairs project aims to capture the different scenery in which empty chairs are discovered in visually surreal or out of the ordinary environments. Through these images I examine the relationship between the empty chair and it’s surrounding. Each image tells a story, where the chair is the narrator and protagonist, speaking of its past inhabitant and its context.«

Image © Faisal Al Fouzan

Image © Faisal Al Fouzan

Image © Faisal Al Fouzan

Image © Faisal Al Fouzan

Image © Faisal Al Fouzan

All images © Faisal Al Fouzan 2013. (via)

Orchard Beach: The Bronx Riviera

Orchard Beach is a public beach in the borough of the Bronx in New York City. The beach is part of Pelham Bay Park and is situated on the western end of Long Island Sound. Built in the 1930s by urban planner Robert Moses, the beach carries the stigma as being one of the worst in New York and is commonly known as Horseshit Beach or Chocha Beach. Although New York’s Bronx is considered one of the most diverse communities in America out of which many subcultures originated, such as Hip Hop and Salsa, it’s still viewed as a no man’s land by many of the city’s inhabitants. Perhaps it is a matter of simple geography that many refuse to venture to the northernmost of the city’s five boroughs or, quite possibly, it may be the Borough’s malevolent reputation lingering from its tumultuous past. Brooklyn-based artist Wayne Lawrence began shooting portraits of Orchard Beach’s summertime regulars in 2005 shortly after moving to New York, realizing that the stigma attached to this oasis was largely unjustified. »I felt compelled to engage with this community of working class families and colorful characters«, he said. The photographs in »Orchard Beach – The Bronx Riviera« celebrate the pride and dignity of the beach’s visitors, working-class people.

Wayne Lawrence: The Bronx Riviera

Wayne Lawrence: The Bronx Riviera

Wayne Lawrence: The Bronx Riviera

Wayne Lawrence: The Bronx Riviera

All images © Wayne Lawrence.

Scooter in Indonesia

German weekly newspaper Zeit published a great series by American documentary photographer Ed Wray about pimped Vespa lookalikes in Indonesia, after all the production facility of the legendary scooter till 2001. The photographs were taken during a scooter festival in Cibeureum, about 100 km west of Jakarta.

Invasive Species

Photographer Dillon Marsh’s Invasive Species – the wonderful art of tree cellphone towers: »In 1996 a palm tree appeared almost overnight in a suburb of Cape Town. This was supposedly the world’s first ever disguised cell phone tower. Since then these trees have spread across the city, South Africa and the rest of the world. „Invasive Species“ explores the relationship between the environment and the disguised towers of Cape Town and its surrounds.«

Invasive Species by Dillon Marsh

Invasive Species by Dillon Marsh

Invasive Species by Dillon Marsh

Invasive Species by Dillon Marsh

All images © Dillon Marsh.


What does oil on canvas look like? In the exceptional case, nature can constitute strange realities, if you give a little help in certain moments. »Tree« is Myoung Ho Lee’s beautiful series of a variety of trees in different seasons and locations. All images © Myoung Ho Lee, Courtesy Yossi Milo Gallery, New York.

Tree #10, 2006 From the series Tree, Archival Inkjet Print, 10″ × 8″
Tree #10, 2006, from the series »Tree«, Archival Inkjet Print, 10″ × 8″
Tree #2, 2006 From the series Tree, Archival Inkjet Print, 50″ × 40″
Tree #2, 2006, from the series »Tree«, Archival Inkjet Print, 50″ × 40″
Tree #3, 2006 From the series Tree, Archival Inkjet Print, 40″ × 32″
Tree #3, 2006, from the series »Tree«, Archival Inkjet Print, 40″ × 32″

(via but does it float)

The Hyena & Other Men

The series »The Hyena & Other Men« by South African photographer Pieter Hugo depicts Nigeria’s »Gadawan Kura« as they are known in Hausa (a rough translation: »hyena handlers«) in a brilliant way. »These photographs came about after a friend emailed me an image taken on a cellphone through a car window in Lagos, Nigeria, which depicted a group of men walking down the street with a hyena in chains. A few days later I saw the image reproduced in a South African newspaper with the caption ‘The Streets of Lagos’. Nigerian newspapers reported that these men were bank robbers, bodyguards, drug dealers, debt collectors. Myths surrounded them. The image captivated me.« Click to read the whole story about »The Hyena & Other Men«.

Abdullahi Mohammed with Mainasara, Ogere-Remo, Nigeria 2007
Abdullahi Mohammed with Mainasara, Ogere-Remo, Nigeria 2007

The Hyena Men

Mallam Galadima Ahmadu with Jamis, Abuja, Nigeria 2007
Mallam Galadima Ahmadu with Jamis, Abuja, Nigeria 2007
Animal handler with Ajasco, Lagos, Nigeria 2007
Animal handler with Ajasco, Lagos, Nigeria 2007

(via iGNANT)