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photography series

Aerial Views – Adria

For those who can’t believe: This is real! Bernhard Lang’s photographs Aerial Views – Adria are about the myth and reality of the adriatic coastline in Italy. As well as lonely beaches, discover notoriously overcrowded beaches is a unique experience.

Bernhard Lang - Adria

Bernhard Lang - Adria

Bernhard Lang - Adria

Bernhard Lang - Adria

All images © Bernhard Lang


Neither black nor white – there are many more nuances and subtleties to the human body. humanæ by Brazilian photographer Angélica Dass.

humanæ 1

humanæ 2

humanæ 3

humanæ 4

humanæ 5

All Images © Angélica Dass.


Large inanimate objects, at this state radically defunctionalized, appear not to be out of this world but in the same time they seem so familiar. Filip Dujardin has been working on a series since 2007 whose humor and entertainment value is accompanied by references to art history: »Fictions presents wonderful objects in conceptional subjectivity and is full of jocularity and persiflage. With the aid of a digital collage technique consisting of photographs of existing buildings in and around Ghent, the city of his birth, the artist creates buildings that have been ingeniously imbedded in the landscape and whose construction would be impossible—fabrications in the true sense of the word.«

Fictions by Filip Dujardin

Fictions by Filip Dujardin

Fictions by Filip Dujardin

Fictions by Filip Dujardin

All images © Filip Dujardin. »Fictions« published by Hatje Cantz Verlag. Buy.

Wounded – The Legacy of War

Wounded: The Legacy of War by canadian musician and photographer Bryan Adams presents portraits of young British soldiers who have suffered life-changing injury in Iraq and Afghanistan or during a training excersise. The images come with haunting interviews providing a narrative to each person’s journey to recovery. You can check out more about the series in his book.

Sergeant Rick Clement, injured in Afghanistan, aged 30
Sergeant Rick Clement, injured in Afghanistan, aged 30
Sergeant Mark Sutcliffe, injured in Iraq, aged 27
Sergeant Mark Sutcliffe, injured in Iraq, aged 27
Rifleman Craig Wood, injured in Afghanistan, aged 18
Rifleman Craig Wood, injured in Afghanistan, aged 18
Private Alex Stringer, injured in Afghanistan, aged 20
Private Alex Stringer, injured in Afghanistan, aged 20

Published by Steidl. All images © Bryan Adams. Buy.


Yung Cheng Lin aka »3cm« is a photographer based out of Tainan, Taiwan whose various conceptual arrangements are located somewhere on the boundary of surrealism, humour and overstatement. See more of Yung Cheng Lin’s amazing work on Flickr here.

Yung Cheng Lin

Yung Cheng Lin

Yung Cheng Lin

Yung Cheng Lin

Yung Cheng Lin

Yung Cheng Lin

All images © Yung Cheng Lin aka 3cm.

Captive Landscapes

Brooklyn-based artist Daniel Kukla photographed the interiors of animal enclosure at 15 different zoos across the US and Europe. He says in his Artist Statement: »We, as humans, go to great lengths to satisfy our desire for a connection with the natural world, especially in our interactions with wild and exotic animals. Zoos are the primary site for this relationship, but they often obscure the conflicts inherent in maintaining and displaying captive wild animals.«

Captive Landscapes

Captive Landscapes

Captive Landscapes

Captive Landscapes

Captive Landscapes

All images © Daniel Kukla.

Landscape Light Installations

American artist Barry Underwood utilizes LED lights, luminescent material, and other photographic effects to create fleeting abstract landscapes that are influenced by both accidental and incidental light. Here is Underwood’s Artist Statement: »My artwork examines community and land-use in rural, suburban and urban sites. I created this series of installations by researching local agricultural, industrial, and recreational land-use. Curiosity about ecological and social history of specific places drives my work. By revealing the beauty and potential of an ordinary landscape an everyday scene is transformed into a memorable, visual experience. Each photograph image is a dialogue – the result of my direct encounter with nature and history. Inspired by land art, landscape photography and painting, as well as cinema, my images are both surreal and familiar.«

Landscape Light Installations

Landscape Light Installations

Landscape Light Installations

Landscape Light Installations

All images © Barry Underwood.